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Proekspert - founded by software engineers for software engineers

Proekspert has a rich and dignified history dating all the way back to 1981, when its founders met for the first time at the Institute of Cybernetics and Physics in Tallinn. Proudly carrying the flag “founded by software engineers for software engineers”, Proekspert was officially established in 1993, making it one of the earliest technology
startups to emerge from Estonia.

The company has certainly come a long way, agrees CEO Triin Sepp. “What started out as a pack of engineers developing bits of software for controlling the growth of bacteria for scientific research, has now evolved into one of the leading engineering technology companies in the region,” states Triin proudly. Today, Proekspert’s focus is on programming hardware to make almost any device a smart device instead of being just a piece of equipment, but the company’s foundations are rooted in the early days of fintech. “We developed one of the first microchip banking cards in Europe already in the 1990s and this is a sector still very close to our hearts,” adds Triin.

Rather than being a run-of-the-mill software house, Proekspert take pride in being able to expand device functionality with modern software technologies. “We see ourselves as product development partners for the electrical equipment industry, which sets us apart from many competitors. Embedded programming allows us to solve point Danfoss held 51% of the shares of Proekspert. A management buy-out in 2013 returned the company 100% to its Estonian shareholders.

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