In March, 68.6% of the total manufacturing production in Estonia was sold to the external market. Photo: Pixabay
According to Statistics Estonia, in March 2024, the total production of industrial enterprises in Estonia fell by 5.7% compared with March last year. Among the three main sectors, output increased slightly in mining (by 0.4%), but decreased by 6.5% in manufacturing and by 4.4% in electricity production.
The volume of industrial production* in March declined in more than two thirds of the manufacturing activities, pointed out Helle Bunder, leading analyst at Statistics Estonia. “Looking at the more significant industries, output in March decreased in the manufacture of wood (12.6%), fabricated metal products (7.3%), electrical equipment (20.6%), and computers and electronic products (7.7%). Among the larger industries, output grew in the manufacture of food products (4.3%), shale oil (10.3%), and building materials (5.4%),” noted Bunder.
In March, 68.6% of the total production of manufacturing was sold to the external market.
Compared with March 2023, the sales of manufacturing production** decreased by 6.8% according to working-day adjusted data in March this year. Domestic sales fell by 7.9% and export sales by 6.1%.
In March compared with February, the seasonally adjusted total industrial production grew by 1.2% and the production of manufacturing by 0.8%.
In energy production, the volume of electricity production (in megawatt-hours) decreased by 10.1%, while the production of heat increased by 1.3% in March.

* Volume index of industrial production – an index that expresses the change in the volume of industrial production at constant prices compared with the base period. The producer price index is used for calculating the production values at constant prices.
**Value index of industrial sales – an index that expresses the change in the value of sold industrial production at current prices compared with the base period.
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